Picture Shows: French nuclear testing in the South Pacific. TX: BBC Two Sunday 19th June 2005. This is the story of liberty, equality and radio-activity. Focussing on ten specific tests - arranged in reverse chronology, as a countdown - this film will tell the strange history of the French atomic tests - how in the sixties De Gaulle dreamed of establishing Europe as a third superpower armed with a French atomic bomb, how thousands of Polynesian islanders were transformed from fishermen into nuclear technicians, how Greenpeace activists sailed a tiny yacht into the test zone to end atmospheric testing, how a tiny group of Tahitian radicals set up the world's only anti-nuclear terrorist cell, and how some former test workers from France and Tahiti now suffer from cancers that many believe are linked to fall-out from France's tests. Warning: Use of this copyright image is subject to Terms of Use of BBC Digital Picture Service. In particular, this image may only be used during the publicity period for the purpose of publicising 'Blowing Up Paradise' and provided BBC is credited. Any use of this image on the internet or for any other purpose whatsoever, including advertising or other commercial uses, requires the prior written approval of the BBC.
Serviciile secrete din Coreea de Sud au detectat semnale că regimul nord-coreean ar pregăti un nou test nuclear, a declarat preşedintele sud-coreean, Park Geun-hye, citat de BBC News online.Preşedintele sud-coreean, Park Geun-hye, citat de BBC, a declarat că au fost detectate semnale care par sa indice că regimul nord-coreean ar pregăti un nou test cu arme nucleare, al cincilea astfel de test demarat până acum de statul nord-coreean.Oficialul sud-coreean nu a oferit mai multe informaţii cu privire la natura acestor semnale, dar a ordonat forţelor armate să fie pregătite, potrivit agenţiei de ştiri Yonhap.Aceste informaţii apar după ce presa locală a raportat intensificarea activităţii la baza de teste de la Punggye-ri, unde au avut loc testele precedente.Un al cincilea test nuclear ar fi o nouă sfidare din partea regimului de la Phenian faţă de sancţiunile impuse luna trecută de Naţiunile Unite.